Large creative projects

If you are an aspiring student seeking higher education course options, ‘choosing the future’ is so much easier with the annual Year 10 and Year 12 Student Admissions Guide produced by the Queensland Tertiary Admissions Centre (QTAC).

A leader and one stop shop for undergraduate and postgraduate education providers for over 40 years, each year QTAC proudly produces this epic ‘bible of learning’ for the benefit of all students and their parents and their future career path. 

It’s a fact that collaboration is essential for any successful business project. In the case of the 300 page Year 12 Guide, the combined efforts of QTAC and SteinArt have made for an excellent success story. 

With a deadline looming and a staff member down, the QTAC Project Manager turned to Freelancing Gems to find some much-needed creative assistance. Experienced graphic designer and SteinArt’s business owner, Kathryn Steinhardt, popped up with the skills and availability needed to provide support at the eleventh hour. To save on cost, time and increase business accountability, QTAC pre-purchased a block of graphic design hours on a customised rate and agreed flexible basis.

Pre-paid hours increase a client’s ability to allocate resources, plan ahead and maintain their bottom line.

Cost Savings

Pre-paid creative hours can save your business money in the long term. By budgeting for additional resources in high demand periods as required, you save on full-time employment costs and also high last-minute additional costs. As a small business, we spend less time and effort securing the next job and billing for shorter time frames, so we are able to provide a better hourly rate when you book and pay in advance. This can be especially useful if you have a large project or are planning multiple projects for the year ahead. And it’s a win-win for everyone in terms of time management and stress.

Business Planning & Accountability

Time is money. Planning ahead and booking pre-paid creative hours effectively creates a business agreement between parties. This agreement holds both businesses accountable for making sure the project is completed on time and to specified quality standards. As the project progresses, it becomes easier to manage and ensure work is on track, and time and money is not being wasted.

Project Streamlining

With pre-paid hours, we’re able to prioritise and move through the design process relatively quickly. Since the project is already booked, we make the necessary time to dedicate to your project. This also gives us the opportunity to be creative and execute complex tasks that wouldn’t be possible with traditional hourly billing. During the QTAC project, we were able to introduce some new, highly-efficient productivity tools that proved invaluable for planning and meeting our deadline.

The collaboration between QTAC and SteinArt has been a great success and is now booked in advance. It is a large creative project that we look forward to collaborating on each year.

If you have one or many large projects that require creative skills, it may be worth planning ahead and paying for a block of graphic design hours in advance. This provides the most value for your time and money…and a stress-free project delivered on time, on budget, aligned with your business branding.

The ideal collaborative partnership.

Kathryn has a skillset it takes many years for most designers to acquire. Aiming to more than solve a problem she offers remedied productive solutions for the project at hand and into the future. She’s a systems thinker and delivers quality that places her well above adequate in her profession, and she operates with integrity and a collaborative approach toward her work, contract peers and clients alike.

Marketing Manager

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